Résumé Questionnaire

  • Download this RÉSUMÉ QUESTIONNAIRE fill it out to the best of your ability and upload it using the form below. If you encounter issues using the form you can also enter the information you care to provide about your background and skills. If there is a specific job that interests you, please include a description of the position (usually as posted in the job announcement). If you like, you can use the Résumé Questionnaire form as a guide to provide additional information. If you do not currently have a resume, please use the RésuméResume Questionnaire form to provide additional information.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.
      Upload your resume using .pdf or .doc

    Why Resume Success?

    I have spent most of my professional life working in communication and advocacy, and know how to present a convincing, persuasive case.  I can do this for individuals as effectively as I was able to do it for the U.S. government.   I have a particular talent for understanding and translating – “Americanizing” – a curriculum vitae written for a foreign country, and making it effective and seriously competitive in the U.S. job market. Learn more about Doug…