Student/Entry Registration

  • Thank you for purchasing the Student/Entry level Résumé service. Please provide the contact information below and upload your existing resume where indicated. If you do not currently have a resume, you can download and complete this RÉSUMÉ QUESTIONNAIRE (you can save the Questionnaire for later reference), then upload or drop it where indicated. Or you can provide information on your work history and education in the online form below, and submit that to us.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.
      Upload your resume using .pdf or .doc

    • Please provide the information below on your background if you do not have a resume and want to use it instead of the downloadable Questionnaire.
    • Describe your career goal or ideal job. If you have a description of a position you are interested in, such as a job announcement, please include that as well as part of your submission.
    • Enter text here
    • Job 1
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • Job 2
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • Job 3
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • Job 4
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • Please add earlier professional experience here, using the basic format above:
    • Professional Education/Training
    • Professional Education/Training
    • Include both “hard” skills as well as “soft” skills. Hard skills are typically those you learn through on-the-job or institutional training and include skills specific to a particular occupation. Soft skills are those that can be used in any occupation. These skills are often considered transferable, because you can take them with you from one job to another.
      Basic Computer Skills (e.g., Microsoft Office Suite) Communication Skills
      Data Analysis Computer Programming Leadership Skills Adaptability and Flexibility
      Web page design Graphic Design Analytical Skills Interpersonal Skills
      Desktop Publishing Accounting Problem-solving Decision-making
      SEO/SEM Marketing Legal Training Creativity/Innovation Team-working
      Environmental Cleanup Medical Training Time management Skills Motivation
      Environmental safety Freight forwarding Willingness to learn Resourcefulness
      Claims processing management Retail merchandising Mentoring and Coaching Skills Initiative
      Foreign Languages Investment Management Customer-orientation
      Language Teaching Human Resource Management
      Copy Editing
    • There is undoubtedly more to your experience and skills than we have asked you about in this form. Please add below any additional details about your background and abilities that you think a prospective employer should know.